Credits: Mathieu Saunier / Khan Nova
Mathieu Saunier digital collages, between supernature and surreal colours
By Geeta Kaur Dhiman

Credits: Mathieu Saunier / Khan Nova

Credits: Mathieu Saunier / Khan Nova

Credits: Mathieu Saunier / Khan Nova
What makes Saunier’s creations so interesting is that he blends our fascination with futurism, surrealism and the warm, nostalgic feeling that retro design evokes, creating a melting pot of emotion, linking the everyday with a dreamscape.
The Retro-futurism movement was born out of futurists’ predictions of how technology would impact the world we live in, it is about looking back to see how yesterday viewed tomorrow. The use of nostalgia works well in Saunier’s art because of its compelling effect on our mental wellbeing and sense of belonging.

Credits: Mathieu Saunier / Khan Nova

Credits: Mathieu Saunier / Khan Nova

Credits: Mathieu Saunier / Khan Nova
During tumultuous times of instability, surrealism becomes an effective creative coping mechanism. A century-old art movement is reappearing because it welcomes escape from brutal reality, explaining its relevance today. As our literal climate shifts, economies transform, post pandemic grief, and traumas of dystopian wars; surrealist artists find magic and beauty in supernature, the disregarded and the unconventional. We need our art to reflect these mind-bending, life-altering changes and to find the ‘marvellous in the everyday’. Saunier’s creations affirm that by mixing the inspiration of our subconscious minds with reality is where the extraordinary exists.

Credits: Mathieu Saunier / Khan Nova

Credits: Mathieu Saunier / Khan Nova

Credits: Mathieu Saunier / Khan Nova
If the purpose of dreams is to resolve discordant thoughts toward a deeper understanding of new possibilities, Saunier’s art can be seen as acting out that instinct. According to Saunier: “People need to dream and digital art is the future. People don’t need to walk or be a privileged person to have an access to the art and culture, because art is democratized”. Confronting the present afresh, in multidimensional ways, is not only about the escapism of art, it’s an aspiration towards the liberation of the mind as it seeks freedom.
#mathieusaunier #khannova #retrofuturism #surrealism #afrofutursim #ethnicity #digitalcollage #dreamscapes