Credits: Alex Box
Traversing digitalism while delving into post-humanism. The Alex Box case
By Maria Pigatto
As we step further inside the post-Anthropocene era, we face disruptive changes and, at times, dissonant influences. Human beings are inclined to develop new competencies, among which technological creativity is one of the most relevant. Nowadays digital creativity is a requirement to move towards an inclusive transformation, necessary to solve social and sustainable aspects characterizing an ambiguous future. Being able to acquire a digital maturity alongside a new design awareness allows one to understand and anticipate new opportunities that the digital progression and identity studies can lead to.

Credits: Alex Box

Credits: Alex Box

Credits: Alex Box
Dr. Alex Box, initially a make-up artist and later evolving into an internationally recognized artist, defines herself as an ‘identity designer’. Her philosophy focuses on how the technologic area will re-design the evolution of identities in both the digital and physical dimensions. Form, personhood, aesthetic and psychology are the core elements of her creative process in developing identities. The concept of being ‘more than one’ of perceiving ourselves as multiple selves is inner to human nature, but has been forgotten over the centuries; starting from this point, the beauty futurist pins her hopes on the hyper-customizable identity instruments offered by the Web 3, believing integration to be at the core of the expansion of our essence and emotional complexity.
The awareness that humankind no longer occupies a privileged position compared to animals and plants, guides the digital creativity of Dr. Alex Box to experiment with hybridized shapes, melting together organic elements belonging to multiple realms. Being inspired by materials such as glass and plastics and using translucent hues, her Aura Meta Masks-Digital Face couture traverse both the botanical and animal spheres, making costumers acquire a new sense of self-perception and freedom. Orchids constitute a key inspiration for the tech artist, who overlays the carved and undulating shapes of this flower onto the user, pushing the conversion on post-human identity and beauty biomimetics forward.

Credits: Alex Box
It is by following this direction that dreamscapes take on depth, letting our sense of ‘inner multiplicity’ prolifically melt with cultural progress.
#dreamscapes #alexbox #metamask #digitalmakeup #identitydesign #posthumanism